Welcome to VITAL
Everyone deserves affordable, quality healthcare.
VITAL is committed to removing the barriers to healthcare by empowering organizations to create and maintain their own group health plans in an efficient and compliant manner.
VITAL plans are ACA and ERISA compliant, affordable, available nationwide and - most importantly - accessible. With no deductibles and little or no co-pays, VITAL eliminates barriers to care, encouraging everyone to stay ahead of their health needs.
Learn More About VITAL Here:
11 Million
Over 11 Million Hispanics are not covered by private or public health insurance.¹
Less than $2,000
The average Hispanic household has less than $2,000 available in liquid assets for emergencies.²
Language Barriers
Language barriers contribute to disparities in access to care for the Hispanic community.³
78% of new workers
Hispanics are projected
to account for 78% of
new workers between
2020 and 2030.⁴
5 Million
There are over 5 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the U.S. and over 300,000 have at least one employee.⁴
Market Demand For VITAL Solutions is Clear

Who We Serve
Construction Workers
Agriculture Workers
Quick Serve Workers
Hospitality Workers
Staffing Workers

Compliant Plans,
Affordable Benefits
VITAL designs ERISA and Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant plans for the millions of workers who have found it challenging to access healthcare.
74% of non-elderly adult Americans want coverage but can’t afford it due to plan complexity and high premiums.
Our plans appeal to a diverse labor force with varied needs, from employees seeking convenient, low-cost options to those who value the extensive coverage of a premium plan.

For Patients
Increase Plan Attractiveness
Reduce Healthcare Avoidance
Mitigate Personal Healthcare Debt
Impact of No Deductibles & No Coinsurance
For Providers
Hospitals and Physicians Get Paid
Less Provider/Patient Litigation
& Collection Action
Mitigate Bankruptcy Pressures

Get In Touch
Are you ready to help us in our mission to remove the barriers to care for your clients, your employees, yourself?
Drop us a message via the form below to learn more.